Narrowboat or Barge Sharing

OwnerShips advert
Narrow Boat Sharing: This web site will give you some background on boat sharing in the UK. It is not a boat share sales site, for that you should go to our sister site, where you will find a number of shares for sale.

On this site you will find a few snippets of information regarding shared ownership of UK and France based boats and probably one of the most comprehensive lists of today's UK shared narrow boats.

This web site is part of the "boatshare group" where you will find web sites about boat sharing, barge sharing, boat selling and boat renting. All offer simple cheap options for either buying or selling a share or a whole boat. 

For more information on sharing barges, both in the UK and abroad (France mainly, you should go to our bargeshare site).

Buying a share in a boat (from my web site) is not like buying a timeshare and you actually own a part of a whole boat along with like minded others. Together you (some are managed) run the whole boat yourselves as a group. All adverts have been vetted and you are very unlikely to find your money going off in a black hole somewhere but boatshare does ask you to take all the "normal" precautions and cannot be held responsible for any losses you might incur.  

About Sharing Narrow Boats

You should find on this website all you need to know about sharing boats in the U.K. 

However, it is more an advice and history web site, if you are actually looking to buy a share in a boat then you should visit our sister site, boatshare.

Where to find shares

 If you are looking to purchase a share, or at least see what is available, then have a look here.